Respect All People |
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“Men are respectable only as they respect.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Respect All People
Being a REAL man means treating all people with respect and dignity, without exception. It means understanding that everyone is worthy of respect, and that all people deserve to be treated respectfully. A REAL man shows respect to all people, at all times, in all ways… without exception.
The Nature of Respect Respect is all about treating people right: regardless of who they are, what they say, or how they act. Respect is about treating others the way you would want to be treated, at all times and in all situations. Being respectful means extending to others the patience, courtesy, kindness, and politeness that you, yourself, would want to receive.
The Reason for Respect All people are entitled to be treated with respect. All people inherently possess basic human dignity, and that dignity is to be honored at all times by respectful treatment. Everyone has the spirit of divinity in them—including one's self—and therefore, we should regard everyone in such a way. Each person is a sacred and divine being—including one’s self—and therefore, we should treat everyone as such.
Being Respectful to Others Will Lead Others to Be Respectful to You In Return
How you treat others directly and indirectly affects the way that you are treated in return. The way you treat others affects peoples’ attitudes toward you and their opinions of you. It determines the perception they have of you, and ultimately, the manner in which they treat you. How you treat other people directly influences those peoples’ moods and mental states, which directly influence what they say and how they say it, as well as the actions and behaviors they direct at others. Therefore, always be mindful of the way you act toward others. Be careful to always treat others with respect, patience, and civility. Because ultimately, the way you treat others will, to a large degree, determine the way that they treat you in return.
The Way You Treat Others Is The Way Others Will Treat You Treat people the best way you can treat them, and treat everyone the way you’d want to be treated. Because, the way you treat others is most likely the way that other people will treat you. Don’t believe me? Think about it: if you are nice to someone, they likely will be nice to you. If you are kind to someone, they likely will be kind back to you. If you yell at someone or tell somebody off, they probably won’t be very nice to you in return. Whenever you are speaking with, spending time with, or dealing with another person, keep in mind that the way you treat that person is most likely the way that they will treat you back in return. Not sure what I mean? Think of it as bouncing a ball against a wall. When you throw a ball against a wall, it will come back to you in a similar manner in which you first threw it. If you throw the ball hard, it will come back at you hard. If you throw it softly, it will bounce back at you softly. If you throw the ball with some spin on it, it will come back to you with some spin on it. Ultimately, the way you throw the ball will dictate the way that it comes back to you. How you toss the ball will determine how it bounces and returns to you. And so it is with the attitudes and behaviors you exhibit toward others. Much of what you think, say, and do will be returned to you through what other people think, say, and do. Everything that you send out into the lives of others will come back into your own; and everything that you put into the world around you will return back to you as well. ~ Treat people the way you want them to treat you … Because ultimately, the way that you treat people will determine the way that they treat you in return.
The Benefits of Being Respectful ~ A Thing Called Karma
The Nature of Karma: What Goes Around … Comes Around
The notion of Karma states that what goes around comes around, and that we all get what we have coming to us sooner or later. Call it Karma, or call it common sense. But whatever you want to call it, the truth of the matter is that it makes perfect sense logistically. ~ The more negative things you do, the more negativity you add to the world. The more negativity there is in the world, the more likely your chances of feeling the effects of that negativity. Conversely, the more positive things you do, the more positivity you add to the world. The more positivity there is in the world, the more likely your chances of reaping the benefits of that positivity. Every time you do something bad, you make the world a worse place; and therefore, you increase the chances that something bad will happen to you. Every time you do something good, you make the world a better place; and therefore, you increase the chances that something good will happen to you. ~ If you do good things, good things will come back into your life. If you sow seeds of goodness, you will reap the rewards of goodness. Be good to people, and people will be good to you. Do good things, and good things will happen to you. This is the true essence of Karma. ~ What goes around, comes around. So be careful what you make “go around.” Do good, and good things will happen. Do bad, and bad things will happen. Remember that, eventually, it all catches up to you in the end. ~ What goes around… comes around. Therefore: treat all people, at all times, the way that you yourself, would always want to be treated.
There is a destiny which makes us brothers; None goes his way alone. All that we send into the lives of others Comes back into our own.
~ Edwin Markham
Respect All People, Especially …
Respect all people …
Especially women. Especially those who are different than you—those people who look differently than you, those who think differently than you, those who act differently than you, and those who believe differently than you. Especially those who don’t like you. Especially those whom you don’t like. Especially those who disagree with you. Especially those with whom you disagree. Especially those whom you do not feel deserve it. ~ Whether you feel they do or do not deserve it doesn’t matter, because all people deserve to be treated with respect and dignity; and nothing you think, say, or do will be able to change that. Especially those who are disagreeable and not easy to get along with. Especially those who don’t treat you with respect to begin with. Especially those who don’t treat you with respect in return. Especially those who mistreat you. ~ It is no worthy accomplishment to be respectful to those who are respectful to you. What is worth distinction is to treat all people with respect: not only those who are easy to be respectful to, but to everyone else… especially to everyone else. Especially when you don’t feel like it. ~ It is no worthy accomplishment to be respectful to others only when you feel like being respectful to others. What is worth distinction is to treat all people with respect at all times: not only when you feel like it, but even when you don’t feel like it… especially when you don’t feel like it. ~ Treat all people with respect … even those who make it difficult to do so: Especially those who make it difficult to do so.
“Why were the saints, saints? Because they were cheerful when it was difficult to be cheerful; patient when it was difficult to be patient; and because they pushed on when they wanted to stand still, and kept silent when they wanted to talk; and because they were agreeable when they wanted to be disagreeable. That was all. It was quite simple, and always will be.”
~ Miriam C. Hunter
Respect all people, at all times, and in all ways.
This is the true essence of respect.
~ A REAL man respects all people, at all times, and in all ways. ~
Always Be Respectful, and Always Be Civil
Being civil means simply being courteous to other people, regardless of who they are or what the situation is. Whether you want to be respectful or not, is irrelevant. Being civil means that you extend courtesy to all people, at all times. To put it in another way, it means being polite and treating people right. ~ You don’t have to walk up to everyone and hug them; you don’t have to agree with everyone’s decisions and philosophies of living; and you don’t have to be best friends with everyone you meet. You do not even have to like any of the people that you meet… But you do have to treat them with respect and politeness, and you do have to be civil. You don’t have to agree with others, you just have to be respectful to them. You don’t have to agree with people’s beliefs, you just have to be respectful of them, and of that person’s right to believe in whatever they choose to believe in. You don’t have to agree with other people’s lifestyles, you just have to be respectful of them, and of that person’s right to live however they choose. ~ Being civil means being polite and treating people right.
Be Tolerant and Accepting of Others
Tolerance has been defined as: “Learning to accept others as valuable individuals, regardless of their traits or beliefs.” In other words… Tolerance means putting individual differences aside and embracing collective similarities. It is about recognizing that differences exist, and then choosing to put those differences aside. It means recognizing that differences exist, but then realizing that they do not matter as much as the things that we as human beings have in common. Tolerance is the realization that others—though they may look, act, speak, or worship differently than us—are our equals. It is the realization that our bond to these individuals is not to their differences, but to that part of them which brings us all together: it is to the common threads that weave us all into one intricate web of humanity—it is to the universal commonality that binds us all into one, collective human family.
Life Is Color-Blind … Shouldn’t We Be Too? Life does not care about race, creed, color, or ethnicity… neither does Death, for that matter. Life doesn’t care about material wealth or social status; nor does it care about orientation or political views. Life does not care about any of these things, and neither should we.
Life, itself, has no prejudices… and neither should we. Life, itself, does not discriminate on the basis of anything: not gender, not creed, not financial worth, not social class, not race, and not color… and neither should we.
Life is color-blind. Or, should I say, living is color-blind. ~ Shouldn’t we be too? ~ The sooner we realize that we are all people, the better off we will all be.
All People are Entitled to Be Treated with Respect & Dignity
You are entitled to one great thing in this world: to be treated with respect and dignity… for the sole reason that you are a human being; and all members of the human family deserve to be treated in such a way.
Everyone Is Important Everyone you meet is important. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Everybody matters. Everybody is somebody. ~ “Everyone, everywhere … deserves your respect.”
~ Ewan McGregor ~
~ A REAL man respects others … and is respected by others in return. ~
R espect all people, E specially women. A lways do the right thing. L ive a life that matters. |
Be a REAL Man! |
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© Copyright ~ Frank DiCocco ~ 2010
Treat All People with
Respect and Dignity. |